Walking down Madison Avenue Saturday on a beautiful, sunny day, I notice a banner that says “Madison Avenue Watch Week 2015”. Timely, because watches have been on my mind as every time I open my browser the picture of an Apple watch appears. Although I am completely and monogamously in love with Apple products, I can’t help but hesitate a moment about whether or not the Apple watch can ever make me feel the same way that my Cartier Ballon Bleu does. The watch, given to me as a remembrance of a momentous event, almost never leaves my wrist and feels to be a marker of my personal identity and my fashion sensibility. Whether I wear vintage, as I am in this photo, or something from this season, my watch has a timeless elegance yet also presents with a modern polished look, making it work with every both/and look I put together.

Can an Apple watch develop the same personal relationship with me that I have with my Ballon Bleu? Or with an Apple watch must I have a different kind of relationship? My Cartier has become statement of my personality, communicated through the external style of the watch. But it is still external. The Apple watch becomes personal through the data you decide to display on it, your heart rate, how many miles you walk, the personal appointments you have for the day, a cherished photo of a granddaughter. With the Apple watch inside creates the outside. It feels like so much more of a decision than simply buying a watch, I have watched as technology moves closer and closer to my body. Despite my reservations, I have to confess my eye is on the Stainless Steel Case with the Milanese Loop version of the watch. What it may become is yet to be determined.

What are your thoughts about the Apple watch…fashion accessory or not?