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I was surprised at your listing of "Oddity" as something one should check out. Looks like "soft" porn. Is this what fashion has come to? The sexualization of everything is disheartening.
I was surprised at your listing of "Oddity" as something one should check out. Looks like "soft" porn. Is this what fashion has come to? The sexualization of everything is disheartening.
I saw you featured in the Uniqlo magazine I picked up here in the Seattle area, LOVE your blog! And so great to see other women breaking the age barrier associated with fashion! I turned 50 this year and started a blog a year ago, keep up the great work! I am a teacher also, I teach reading in an elementary school. I would love to interview you for my blog ! Best to you!
Sorry so late in this reply just now catching up. Sure shoot me an email and we can do an interview.
I saw you featured in the Uniqlo magazine I picked up here in the Seattle area, LOVE your blog! And so great to see other women breaking the age barrier associated with fashion! I turned 50 this year and started a blog a year ago, keep up the great work! I am a teacher also, I teach reading in an elementary school. I would love to interview you for my blog ! Best to you!
Sorry so late in this reply just now catching up. Sure shoot me an email and we can do an interview.
Before I address a response to "Odditory", not "Oddity", with all due respect, your recent posts have been exquisite. Your photographer is becoming incredibly even more adept at catching the mood, lighting, and movement to illuminate the constructions and designs you choose to highlight. Quite stunning and portentous are its effect. Now, addressing Monica Menez’s "Odditory", which is a clever play on "auditory", understanding her European sensibility is imperative; it embraces a much more open view to sexuality and sensuality. Even the conclusion at the end of the film "School of sound effects", serves as a relative metaphor. It could be an auditory reference or a salute to the solidity of the style presented. Certainly the garments within the film fall on the conservative side; however, Menez champions a meticulous arc away from the prosaic-plastic-mannequin appearance with a visceral slicing-in of her sensual European sensabilty. The effect and affect is not only a juxtaposition but a meshing at the same time, hellooo genius, between contemporary fashion and sensuality. The fashion realm has often leaned toward the avant garde. Sure, it can be a bit over the top, but a sense of the absurd is not new in the fashion industry. Those, me included, I admit, with conservative sensibilities may feel encumbered by the detritus of its often sexual overtones. However, the clever architecture, rationale, and creativity to say the least, even if it midly offends, certainly is worthy of respect in an artistic rendering within such a capricious, protean world.
Eloquent, fair and honest.
Before I address a response to "Odditory", not "Oddity", with all due respect, your recent posts have been exquisite. Your photographer is becoming incredibly even more adept at catching the mood, lighting, and movement to illuminate the constructions and designs you choose to highlight. Quite stunning and portentous are its effect. Now, addressing Monica Menez’s "Odditory", which is a clever play on "auditory", understanding her European sensibility is imperative; it embraces a much more open view to sexuality and sensuality. Even the conclusion at the end of the film "School of sound effects", serves as a relative metaphor. It could be an auditory reference or a salute to the solidity of the style presented. Certainly the garments within the film fall on the conservative side; however, Menez champions a meticulous arc away from the prosaic-plastic-mannequin appearance with a visceral slicing-in of her sensual European sensabilty. The effect and affect is not only a juxtaposition but a meshing at the same time, hellooo genius, between contemporary fashion and sensuality. The fashion realm has often leaned toward the avant garde. Sure, it can be a bit over the top, but a sense of the absurd is not new in the fashion industry. Those, me included, I admit, with conservative sensibilities may feel encumbered by the detritus of its often sexual overtones. However, the clever architecture, rationale, and creativity to say the least, even if it midly offends, certainly is worthy of respect in an artistic rendering within such a capricious, protean world.
Eloquent, fair and honest.
Lyn, Just to clarify, my "with all due respect" was politely directed to the individual who felt uncomfortable with "Odditory", but spelled it as "Oddity." Always enjoy your remarkable, considerate postings ~
White Dog Luxe
I completely understood where you were coming from and I so appreciated your perspective on the matter.
Lyn, Just to clarify, my "with all due respect" was politely directed to the individual who felt uncomfortable with "Odditory", but spelled it as "Oddity." Always enjoy your remarkable, considerate postings ~
White Dog Luxe
I completely understood where you were coming from and I so appreciated your perspective on the matter.